Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So, we start day 8 of 1st grade tomorrow! Liza is loving school but struggling with the "no more naps" issue. Evidently, stamina is a big issue at this time of year in 1st grade. Her teacher mentioned something about stamina today, but Liza came home talking about "taminals" and it took me about an hour to figure out what she was really talking about.

The fact that its 9:30 and I'm thisclose to falling asleep at the computer proves my point! Meanwhile, I hear Bruce jumping on his bed and playing with his truck. He can't wait for day 2 of preschool and is making sure the neighbors hear about it!

Apparently, there is no shortage of stamina in preschool.

Good night

Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer To Do List

While my summer to do list isn't complete, I did cross some biggies off the list.

Potty Train Bruce
Start Writing
Finish Furniture projects
Drop 20 lbs.
Work out routine solidified (ha!)
Visit Aquarium
Take Kids Hiking around town
Visit Firefighters Museum
Go To the Zoo
Go Camping
Teach kids to clean up after themselves at meal time!
Read more, read to kids more
Regular Dates with Liza
Regular Dates with Silver Fox
Spend lots of time at airplane park
Get everyone caught up on dentist and doctor visits
Hang up Liza's artwork in frames

So, we focused mostly on that relationship stuff.... the maintenance of the mundane... which has been surprisingly refreshing. While we didn't have a fantasmagorical summer break loaded with grand adventures, we did spend some great quality time with those we love. My kids got their first real chance to spend time with their paternal grandmother; and some precious time with each other. While they are sooooo ready for some time apart, I'm thankful we've had the last few months, while they are  best buddies, just us... doing our thing.... Bruce wanting to get into Liza's stuff.... Liza bossing Bruce around.... just hanging out.

I am amazed at how refreshed I feel.  I'm ready for Fall and school and all its routines.... not because my kids are driving me nuts, but because they are ready... after a great season with mama and daddy, safe in our nest, they are ready to take a step out into the world. Excited to explore what the world holds.... prepared because things are in order at home.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Is this a Christian Blog? A Disclaimer

Someone asked me the other day if my blog was Christian. 
That's an interesting question. 

My blog, in and of itself, a noun, a thing, an electronic computer program able to transmit data, 
doesn't have a will of its own... so no..... 
My blog is probably not a professing Christian. 

Although, my blog does have a bare chested picture
 of Tim Tebow on it 
and HE'S a Christian. 
Ironically (?) my blog hasn't corrupted/crashed/lost that particular data, 
so..... I'm gonna say maybe.                    
Maybe my blog is Christian.
Or maybe my blog just likes hot boys 
who love Jesus. 

We'll see what happens after the Bronco game this weekend. 
If the photo is still sound after Tebow's pro debut.. 
my blog just might be admitting that its a football fan. 

We'll have to wait and see. 

Back to my original point, 
(how do I get so off track? Must be Lola's fault... she can't focus much either! Sheesh!)
as the writer of this blog and a follower of Christ
 - yes, my blog could be considered Christian.  
However, I'm hesitant to say that I'm a Christian Blog Writer. 
(I know, your saying "What, Cara, hesitant to say anything?!?!)

I don't want to be grouped in with a bunch of bloggers 
who do the whole "Christian Blog" thing 
with excellence, grace, elegance, 
scripturally sound and inspiring messages 
that discuss their striving to be 
Godly women, married to Godly men, bringing up Godly children
.... cuz that. ain't. me. 

are really GREAT blogs. 
(Please, check them out!) 

They've inspired and encouraged me, 
changed my perspective and outlook, 
and for a critical few minutes, 
kept me from walking out the front door leaving 
Liza and Bruce to fend for themselves, 
fighting over an unopened box of 
honey bunches of frosted fruity cardboard shreds! 

If you know me IRL (in real life)
you know that I love Jesus! 
I try to follow Jesus! 
I try to encourage others to follow Jesus! 
He really is the way, the truth and the life
... because I've been stuck in the 
fun house full of mirrors called self-sufficiency 
and it SUCKS with a capital UCK! 

However, I've also figured out in the nearly 4 decades I've walked the earth 
(how the heck did that happen... my mother looks 50!)
that I don't have the market cornered on
this whole Christian/Follower of Jesus thing... 
not by a long shot. 

I'm a sinner... a big, fat one! 

No worse than anyone else, really. I'm just not trying to convince anyone
I'm not a total screw up all on my own. 
I did that thing for awhile and that was a train wreck, too. 

As I understand it, there are these 2 worlds - 
the natural world 
(everyday life on planet earth) 
and the 
spiritual world
(God's world.)
 I live in both, occasionally at the same time. 
In the natural world, 
I'm a mess. 
I'm broken. 
I'm a sinner
(No, I'm not afraid of that word... anymore. Again, another blog post.) 

Those 3 facts won't ever change in the natural world. 
I will hurt people, do stupid, harmful, dishonest things. 
I will lie, cheat, steal, gossip.... and the list goes on.
Ungrateful, entitled, arrogant and stubborn are character traits 
that permeate my existence here on earth. 
The consequences of these traits and the actions are far reaching in this world. 
I hurt my kids' feelings, they go out and hurt their friends' feelings 
and so on and so on
... kind of like an old shampoo commercial. 

THANKFULLY, because Jesus "adopted" me as His child 
when I fell in love with Him, 
I am covered -- the punishment was paid
in this world 
for all my ugliness.  

In God's world and in God's eyes... 
He sees me the way He originally intended for me to be... 

Honest, loving, generous, patient, kind, self-controlled, peaceful, thoughtful, 
thankful, hopeful and 
 not worried about my life! 

In God's world, I don't have to pay the price for my crappy, earthly behavior and character. 
Jesus already did that when he died on the cross.  

When God's world and the natural world intersect, 
God takes the natural consequences of my dumb-ass behavior 
and turns them into something amazingly beautiful and fabulous... 
and THIS is the adventure.. 
the good stuff... 
the miraculous, magnificent, 
out of this world, 

Therefore, since the natural world on its own is a jungle, 
and God's world is still a ways away, 
I try to apply as much as I know of God's world 
to the natural world where I possibly can. 

For me, that means I've got to acknowledge and be realistic 
about the natural state of things, 
all the while striving for the 
"on earth as it is in Heaven" 
part of things. 

Some days, I do this well. 

Others, mmm... not so much! 
I will blog about both 
- my life in the natural world where I drop F-bombs 
and drool over young, hunky quarterbacks, yell at my kids, 
reply sarcastically to my husband and generally 
function out of individual and communal wounded-ness 
that keeps us all tethered to terra ferma ...  

BUT, I will also blog about living at the 
intersection of Rejection and Redemption... 
the times and places
where God intervenes in my humanness
and reveals Himself in new ways, 
calling me evermore to share
His world with my fellow sojourners. 

All that to say, for me to even think about writing a "Christian Blog" 
would require a level of
 excellence and piety that I don't have
and don't really feel comparable to.

... or maybe its because if I am a "Christian Blogger" 
I can't have half naked pictures 
of Tim Tebow on my blog.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Frugal Finds

Now, I'm a girl who loves a bargain. Paying retail for most anything is ridiculous, unless you are talking underwear or mattresses and some other pieces of upholstered furniture.

However, today I learned a new little tip about bargain shopping! Be sure to check out the thrift stores, ie: Goodwill, Salvation Army that are close to big box stores like Target.

Seems I stumbled upon a Goodwill store today right across the street from Target. Inside the Goodwill were TONS of brand new summer merchandise leftover from the Target end of season clearance sales!

The shoe department was stocked with brand new shoes, sandals, etc.  all were priced about $4.99! They seemed to have a decent selection of odd sizes.

But, I was good. I don't need shoes. So, I didn't buy any. I got in and out with what I went searching for.... a bread machine. I'm only $6.99 lighter!

Gotta love a bargain!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Honey, I need a date night!

Had a dream that Tim Tebow asked me out on a date. Serious indicator of need for adult time with my honey...... Time to call a babysitter!

tebow Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blonde Mom Moment

In the name of frugality, simplicity and a seemingly reasonable activity Liza and Bruce could share in, we decided to make homemade popsicles yesterday!

Oh, they were beautiful! Strawberries, blueberries, a frozen banana and some lemon-lime soda! The color was amazing - a rich berry-deep pink-color - yum!
(Didn't think to take a picture - maybe that's blonde moment #1) 

We popped those babies in the garage freezer to begin the wait. All day long I kept commenting on what a lovely color those popsicles turned out - wondering if I could find paint that color... wondering what piece of furniture I could paint that color!

Good thing I like that color because.....

Those popsicles exploded all over the inside of my freezer!!
(again, in my panicked rush to get it cleaned up, I forgot to take a picture.)

*Note to self: Do not use carbonated beverages to make popsicles.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Heaven on Earth

I have 2 children: Liza and Bruce (not their real names.) 

These nicknames were given to them early because they suit their personalities. 

Liza stood on the fireplace hearth belting out show-tunes at the ripe old age of 18 months. 
Her #1 hit in our house was a priceless rendition of "Snake Your Boonie" (Shake Your Booty) 
accompanied by her brand new Maracas! 
(Yep, the first of many annoying gifts from her grammy!) 

Bruce, on the other hand, doesn't have a great story. 

My poor 2nd born child is stuck with a multitude of random nick-names... 
his real name isn't even his real name, 
but rather a convoluted contraction of his first and middle names 
because someone thought it was a good idea to name him after his father and grandfather! 

So, not only is the poor kid "the third," but because he's my son, 
and you know how it goes with little boys, 
he got all sorts of cutsy pet names... 
like Bubba. 
I started calling him Bubba shortly after he was born. 
Why? I have no freaking idea. It just seemed to fit. 
He had big round cheeks and was quiet. 
Oddly enough, Bubba is what my family nick named my boyfriend from high school...
come to think of it, he had round cheeks and was quiet too. 
But he was from Texas. 
Aren't all guys from Texas named Bubba? 
I digress... So, Bubba stuck..  
then, when mama's milk had done his body good and 
he began eating Texas sized amounts of food at 5 months old.... 
Bubba turned into Bubba-Chub. 
Followed soon after by Bruce. 
Don't get the natural progression? 
Me neither. 
That's just how we roll. 

These are the people who make me carazy...... 
in love, in frustration, in wonder, in awe, in gratitude!